This will be deployed Thursday December 11th 10:00 am to 1:00 pm PST
Here are the fixes included in this patch:
- Fixed the Polygon skins for Gargoyle 'Mechs
- The final team score or resources is now displayed at the End of Round screen of all game modes.
- Fixed issue where large groups would erroneously be broken up between lances.
- Fixed thermal vision on DirectX 11 when any form of anti-aliasing was enabled.
- Reduced lag on in-game chat when large numbers of messages were received by the server simultaneously.
- Fixed several systems in the InnerSphere map that had non-english characters in their names.
- Improved several issues relating to popping in the terrain LOD system.
- Fixed mechs occasionally floating in the air when their ground contacts were suddenly removed.
The MechWarrior Team