Platinum Collections 04
What is a Platinum Collection?
- Platinum Collections are comprised of 4 Platinum 'Mech Variants, 4 'Mech Bays, and 4 Platinum Pattern Unlocks.
- 4 Platinum 'Mechs are selected variants upgraded with a (P) designation, elevating a Platinum 'Mech to Special 'Mech status with a 30% C-bill Boost. (Mech Bays included)
- When you purchase a Platinum Collection you also unlock the Platinum Pattern for the Variants of the Chassis types included in the Platinum Pack.
Inner Sphere Collection 04 LINK>>
- Panther PNT-9R(P) + Platinum Pattern Unlock for all Panther Variants
- Bushwacker BSW-X2(P) + Platinum Pattern Unlock for all Bushwacker Variants
- Grasshopper GHR-5P(P) + Platinum Pattern Unlock for all Grasshopper Variants
- Annihilator ANH-1X(P) + Platinum Pattern Unlock for all Annihilator Variants
Clan Collection 04 LINK>>
- Mist lynx MLX-G(P) + Platinum Pattern Unlock for all Mist Lynx Variants
- Stormcrow SCR-B(P) + Platinum Pattern Unlock for all Stormcrow Variants
- Hellbringer HBR-B(P) + Platinum Pattern Unlock for all Hellbringer Variants
- Gargoyle GAR-E(P) + Platinum Pattern Unlock for all Gargoyle Variants
AND be on the lookout for the Platinum Collection 04 Events starting tomorrow
available in-game or on the EVENTS PAGE